Golf Links
"without prejudice"
Note this is not the official history of the Riversdale Beach Golf Club as this is well documented in a special edition. This history as Basil Bodle recorded it.
Note :there are 3 sub pages.
Basil in his recordings stated, “That it is a shame how some glory seekers in a Club whether it be the Surf or Golf Club, want so much recognition for so little and yet behind the scenes some slave away giving much more with no recognition” these unrecognized slaves he would say “rarely see their names in the Club minutes of any meetings or their names on plaques or newspaper clipppings on Club House walls.”
I questioned Gary about Basil's remarks:
" Basil had to use every method to get reluctant members to put their names forward, even club captains, usually with many convincing drinks at Basil's house. This was the norm in the Club's early history when there was so much work it seemed insurmountable. Any problem within the Club whether it be Surf Club of Golf Club ended up on Basil's lap. If any of us in the family were unable to assist, Basil would have to find someone else. There were many of us that worked our butts off, but were never recognised, never recorded. In addition, in my opinion, any credit was downplayed by the same discrediting jealous undercurrent that Basil and I had to put up with for most of the beach's history. Once the Golf Club got established and became successful in the late 1960's becoming a committee member or club captain was more popular."
Referring to Basil's notes and evidence of his desperation he had to bribe one person to become Club Captain of the Surf club by paying him in excess of $20,000. on today's basis, also a new Holden car to take on the Club Captain of the Golf Club.
Photo above is the 7th green that Basil's youngest son Gary got his foot caught in the mower. Gary was on his back in agony for two hours until Basil found him and took the mower apart to release his foot. Gary used to mow and roll all the greens on the run in bare feet. A spot wet grass caused his foot to slip between the roller and the safety rail.
Next page : Club house